Friday, February 15, 2013

Deer to Deer : A tête-à-tête

The conversation I overheard, between this pair of wild Red Deer, after Valentine's Day, talking about Love, The Nature of Man and their changing environment;)  [Pic taken during their autumn rutting season, in the ancient hunting grounds around London where Kings used to hunt from the 13th century : ]

Doe: Chomp Chomp.."Deer, Oh Deer!.. What's all that noise about?"
Stag: Chomp Chomp..chomp.."Mate, that's the pesky humans.. Celebrating.. what is it.. a day for Romance!"
D: "Oh!, aren't they the kind with no season or reason to romance and make love ?!"..
S: "Yehh, They Just Do It! They are a very inefficient lot; Utterly wasteful!"
D: "So, then why all this fuss?! If they don't keep it all to a season? What's the reason to make a fuss now"
S: Chomp Chomp..chomp.. (Silent, thinking: Hmm.. must be to satisfy the females of the species, that DEMAND love!. But I can't tell her that. Better to keep chewing silently)
D: "Hmm.. I wonder Why ?"
S: "Ah that?.. They have too many WANTS than their NEEDS."
D: "But that's not how we live our life! Or the Birds.. Or the Bees"
S: "Yehh..Deplorable, innit ? They seem to have no rhyme or reason for most things they do!. They do whatever they WANT. Whenever they WANT. However they WANT! Come what may!!.. and whether NEEDed or not!"
D: "Do they love Life ? Or do they love themselves more ?!! "
S: "Mm.. You said it right, deer! They don't much care.."
D: "What do they really WANT from LIFE?"
S: "It seems, more than what this earth can offer!"
D: "Mm.. I don't understand! I just need some grass, fresh sweet water, some rain, some shine...may be bit more fur in winter.. Ah.. and Love!.. That is you, my deer.. to nuzzle, neck and lick my back.. and that sorta thing" 
S: "Yeahhhh.. you already understood about life!, if not about humans. At least you understand me. That's enough, deer, Good to hear. But steer clear of that Big Bull. He is such a bully. All brawn; no brain to love. See how he chases the does and chases off other stags. Stay safe, love"
D: "Mmm.. Can we teach humans how to read the signs in nature? Like when to stop taking too much, use too much or waste too much and dump too much ?"

S: "Oh deer, deer.. as much as you've learnt about life, you seem to have a long way to go to learn about humans. My grandfather once warned me: 
' Do what you may with the does, but stay clear of those humans! 
Have you ever looked at them in their eyes?? You can READ them through their eyes; Some seem kind, but most seem blind- with the power of their head and their ego, they don't seem to mind about You.. or your Hind.. they'll take you, mince and grind! Even to their own kind, they don't mind stabbing from behind! 
When Man had bow and arrow, he had more Love, Calmness, Intensity and Intelligence in his eyes; He was more Resourceful, Focused and Unflappable. Quieter, but Quicker and Sharper as well. His body language was smoother, fluent and more in tune with the Elements; He could read Nature's SIGNS. But, after he started bringing guns, he seems to have completely lost his head. He doesn't seem to know how to read the Signs anymore. He doesn't seem to know, when to use, or how much to use his head!.. or whether to use his head or heart to judge!'
D: "Oh what a shame, what a shame! He doesn't know to listen to his heart ?! And how they celebrate LOVE!, so loud and vain"..
S: "Yes, dear!. Well, you asked about reading the Signs. There was more I heard from Grandpa about it:
  'Since we live a quiet life, eat grass and chew the cud, they think we are dumb!. But the wisdom we got from our ancestors, is that the best use of whatever intelligence you have, is to Love, Respect and Protect what is dear to your life, what is NEEDED for you to live.' 
(The Stag, digressing, looking at the Doe, more intensely, straight in the eyes)
S:  "Well, If you can't and don't do that, what is the point in having any intelligence at all, right ? Well, I'd even give my Life for it! Like, to fight for YOU, Me Deer, to win you from that Bully Stag".
(Now the Stag returns to his narration) 
S:  "And he told me:
'What an irony, dear, this stupid man, proud and vainglorious about all his superior intelligence, doesn't seem to get this very simple fact-- that all of us, the birds, the bees and even the blades of grass know almost by instinct. We all know how to read the SIGNS in nature, what the sun and the earth, the wind and the rain tell us; And we can read each other.

But man!. Sometimes, he seems to be ignorant, which is bad enough; But he also seem to be ignoring the signs! Well there's nothing worse, and we all know that's fatal! Fatal for us all on earth! ' 
     So, We might become victims of Man's intelligence!"  :(

D: "Ah! That's so worryingly apocalyptic! It's better, then, that Men are sent to Mars, and Women, to Venus, and leave the Earth for the rest of us, for Good !" ;)

Prisoner of his own intellect ? 
How many chains of evolution, will man drag into the bottom-less pit of extinction ??!

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