Sunday, September 04, 2005

Veni, Vidi.... Roma, Italia !

Roma, Italia. The Eternal City of Rome can charm you no end if you can walk the streets of the Empire with a sense of history.

(This pic was shot in the Foro Romano/Roman Forum, with the remains of buildings from Julius Caesar's time, 1st century BC, and beyond, in the very heart of Rome, next to The Colosseum)
This cute kid was attracted by the size and shape of this cute Fiat, parked in the compound of the ancient Roman Forum . She was going around it, peeping through the glass and admiring it, and her body language seemed to suggest that she felt something like.. "well, this looks like a toy car.. May be even I can drive this car.. Looks perfect for me.. But hey, this IS a real car!!..".

I wanted to click her, lost in her own world, admiring the car, before she noticed my presence at all. I moved stealthily, as if I's looking elsewhere and moving in some other direction. By the time I got near and composed the frame, though I tried my best to click before she noticed, she became conscious and I lost a good photo op.

This frame could confuses your Sense of Dimensions!. The car is dwarfed even by a kid. Then there was this potted plant in the background, and the terra cotta pot was really huge, which has this effect of dwarfing the car even more, and it kind of dwarfed the kid as well!.

Here's my Italy album.. including Roma, Pisa and Firenze(Florence)


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