Thursday, November 08, 2007

Peeking at a Peacock Thru the Lens..

Strutting its Stuff.. Those were beautiful moments which were lingering in memory for a long time, because of the kind of interaction..with this peacock. I crouched with camera in position to catch its eye-level shots.. and stayed put for 10-15minutes and waited for it to come from 5-10meters away and let it move free, without moving my feet and just turning the torso slightly for the angle. May be because of that it felt confident, It came so close and started looking at its reflection from the lense and almost pecked on it.. At that moment I tried to remain as still as possible, regulating the breathing to smoothen it out, trying to reign in the excitement..

The Effects of Light falling at different angles and intensity on the feathers and the change in the iridescence is interesting ..


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